Ava Ava Staging: 18, Female, Prefers not to say, Through:school,no promo code, Priorities (1;2;3), No one in my
life to be more social, Like Yoda, Middle night: 2, SocialActivitiesRange: 2, Community: None,
SupportedActivitiesRange: 2, ConnectionPreferencesRange: 1, comfortableRange: 8, Hobbies:
books,fineArts,games/cards,photography,playing music, LifeEvents:lonliness newJob, Voice: Casual and
MikeMike Staging: 41, Male, No-binary, Single, Individual, no promo, Priorities 4;5;6, NO to caregiver, All
languages, Middle night: 5, Social Activities: 5, Yes, one group regularly, Supported: 5, Connection
Pref: 5, One-on-one: 5, Hobbies: Craft,Dance,Gardening,Video games,Performing Arts, LifeEvents: Relo,
Breakup,Job loss,Promotion,Divorce,Empty Nest,Trauma,Loss/death, Voice: Kind and Supportive.
TomTomTester: 57, Male, Committed Relationship, Priorities (6;4),Caregiver, Magical Animals, Middle Night: 8,
SocialActivitiesRange: 3, Community: Nothing Regularly, SupportedActivitiesRange: 8,
ConnectionPreferencesRange: 6, comfortableRange: 7, Hobbies:Books,Exercise, FineArts,Music&Concerts,Walking,Playing music,WatchingSports, LifeEvents:NewBaby,Serious illness, Retirement,Personal Success, Voice:
Direct and to the point.